Saturday, March 14, 2009

That snow foto I promised to take.

Not that long ago.


Kate said...

What is going on?
Why do you still have snow?
Are you at least able to get out and go cross country skiing?

Jayme said...

I have NO idea what's going on or why I was whisk brooming 2" of white glop off my car tonight after choral rehearsal. It is Crazeeeey.
Today I picked up the first of 3 or 4 used-up car tires from the car tire gradually build a Potato Tower!!! You plop the seed potatoes into the ground, put tire #1 around the spot. As the green shoots shoot up, you keep piling on more soil, & they keep putting out more & more baby potatoes which are loving the warm tire tower. Mucho potatoes in a small space.

xoxoxoox J.